- Swag bag for all our attendees with Zsquare Adventures LOGO and a badge with your info and emergency contact for our tour guide info in case you ever need it
- A brochure with information about
- Itinerary
- Daily schedule
- Hotel information in each city of the tour (Cotonou, Lomé, Accra)
- Fun facts about each country
- Security brief at next day arrived with a security and local country expert
- Zsquare4theCure brochure to learn more about our mission and impact in the community and the impact of your trip is about to have on local women
- A travel Journal with Zsquare Adventures branding so you can journal this amazing once in a lifetime trip. We want to hear and read your experience so feel free to share it with us
- Write a travel blog for us on Zsquare Adventures website
- Create a Video Blog post by each participant on each day to post on Social media and on our website for future promotion, we will make you sign a waiver at arrival for your picture and video to be posted.